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Our Services

Genomic Services

  1. DNA Sequencing
  2. Sanger Sequencing Services
  3. Primer synthesis
  4. Primer Walking
  5. Chromosome walking
  6. PCR amplifications
  7. PCR purifications

Next generation sequencing

  1. Denovo Sequencing
  2. Transcriptome Analysis
  3. Ultra Deep Sequencing
  4. Library Generation Services
  5. NGS data analysis
  6. Microarray
  7. SNP identification

Microbial identification

  1. 16S/18S Bacterial and Fungal Identification Services
  2. Molecular Identification of Bacterial and Fungal Samples

Gene expression studies

  1. Transcriptomic Analysis
  2. Expression Assays
  3. Target Gene Expression
  4. miRNA/small RNAs Analysis
  5. Epigenetic Analysis